It’s American Girl Doll Book Week!
March 28, 2012 by Editor
Filed under Featured Author, Featured This Week
ENTER TO WIN! This week, thanks to the awesome folks at American Girl Doll, we have two titles to give away. Stay tuned for American Girl Doll Mystery Week, coming soon! A Smart Girl’s Guide to Liking Herself–even on the bad days Has a bad day got her down? In this advice-packed book, girls will [...]
Winners of March Indulgence Titles!
March 28, 2012 by Editor
Filed under Featured Author, Featured This Week, winners
Congratulations to the winners of this week’s books! Lynn Cahoon Nicole Pollan Amanda Hatfield You’ve each won one of the March Indulgence titles from Entangled Publishing! Email editor (at) booksonthehouse (dot) com and let us know if you’d like an ePub or PDF file for your eReader or computer! Stay tuned for more awesome books!
March’s Indulgence Titles are almost here!
March 14, 2012 by admin
Filed under Featured This Week
Here’s a sneak peak and a giveaway of these hot new titles from publishing’s rising star, Entangled Publishing! ENTER TO WIN one of these March titles and get ready to Indulge in romance! 3 winners will each receive one of these great digital reads! Some deals were meant to be broken…. Cynical billionaire Daniel Moretti works [...]
Congratulations to the winners of The Scarlet Pepper!
March 14, 2012 by admin
Filed under Featured This Week, winners
Congratulations to the winners of Dorothy St. James’s The Scarlet Pepper! Please email editor (at) booksonthehouse (dot) com so we can have Dorothy send you your book! Patricia Fredrickson Debbie Penny Leslie Connell Aubrey Schulz
This week, win a copy of The Scarlet Pepper, by Dorothy St. James!
March 7, 2012 by Editor
Filed under Featured Author, Featured This Week
ENTER TO WIN a copy of The Scarlet Pepper As the official organic gardener for the White House, Casey Calhoun is usually up to her elbows in something or other. But when someone starts tampering with the Presidential vegetable garden, she soon finds herself in way over her head. As if it wasn’t bad enough [...]
Letter to Readers from Dorothy St. James
March 7, 2012 by Editor
Filed under Featured This Week
ENTER TO WIN a copy of The Scarlet Pepper Dear Readers: I’m so happy to be able to visit with you this week. In a little less than a month’s time my second White House Gardener Mystery, THE SCARLET PEPPER, will be released. I can’t tell you how much nail-biting has been going on in [...]
Congratulations to this week’s winners!
March 7, 2012 by Editor
Filed under Featured This Week, winners
We had 10 winners this week! Each will receive a digital download of one of the featured books. Enjoy! Nancy Roessner Jamie Gehling Jackie Wisherd Jody Faltys Amy Medeiros Hannah Denninger Chris Rosfeld June Potter ValDesRoches Tracey West