Letter to Readers from Dorothy St. James

March 7, 2012 by Editor  
Filed under Featured This Week

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Dear Readers:

I’m so happy to be able to visit with you this week. In a little less than a month’s time my second White House Gardener Mystery, THE SCARLET PEPPER, will be released. I can’t tell you how much nail-biting has been going on in this household as the release date rushes up to slap me in the forehead. (I also have a deadline for the third book in the series, OAK AND DAGGER rushing toward me like a freaking tidal wave.) So forgive me for the lack of fingernails right now.

Writing this series about a southern gardener’s adventures in our nation’s capitol has given me the perfect excuse to do two things I love: Travel and Garden.

During the writing of this series, I’ve taken several research trips to Washington D.C., where I’ve toured the White House and its gardens several times, chatted with the gardeners, quizzed the extremely patient Secret Service members, attended a White House tweetup where I had the pleasure of meeting several administration officials, and had a personal tour of the State Department that included a peek into some top secret areas.

And then closer to home, I’ve become more involved with the gardening community as I expanded my knowledge of organic gardening. Just this past week, I lunched with the local Master Gardener coordinator and discussed problems that might crop up in a fall garden.

Nearly everyone I’ve met or interviewed has been extremely friendly and generous with the knowledge that they can legally share. I wouldn’t want anyone to spill state secrets. The one person who was less than helpful, well, let’s just say she provided inspiration for a certain character in the upcoming THE SCARLET PEPPER. All in all, it’s been a wild ride that I wouldn’t have traded for the world!

Connect with Dorothy

Website: www.DorothyStJames.com

Twitter: @DorothyStJames

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7 Responses to “Letter to Readers from Dorothy St. James”
  1. Gloria McCalip says:

    Looking forward to your books. I read Julie Hyzy’s White House Chef series so was glad to also find your series.

  2. Criss says:

    I’m a newsletter email subscriber please enter me for this book.

  3. admin says:

    Make sure you ENTER TO WIN via the link on the home page!

  4. Rhonda D says:

    I can’t wait to read this. I love mystery books.

  5. Cheryl English says:

    I receive your newsletter. Please enter me. I would love to read this.

  6. love gardening and love mysteries. thanks for combining the two into one book. it’s got to be a keeper!


  7. Jo Anne Benware says:

    Would love to win your book. I entered the contest.

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