It’s American Girl Doll Book Week!

March 28, 2012 by Editor  
Filed under Featured Author, Featured This Week


This week, thanks to the awesome folks at American Girl Doll, we have two titles to give away.  Stay tuned for American Girl Doll Mystery Week, coming soon!

A Smart Girl’s Guide to Liking Herself–even on the bad days

Has a bad day got her down? In this advice-packed book, girls will learn how high self-esteem can turn a good day into a great day, while low self-esteem can make a bad day even worse. She’ll learn tips for trusting herself, ideas for boosting her self-esteem (or for keeping it up), and how to feel her best in all kinds of situations. She is perfect just as she is, and this book will help her believe that to be true! 96 pages. Paperback. Author: Dr. Laurie Zelinger. Ages 10+

Behind the Scenes, A book starring YOU, with more than 20 endings!

Each reader can imagine herself as the main character in this interactive story, a creative girl who loves to make her own movies. When Innerstar University™ holds a movie contest, she puts together her best video. But when she fears that one of her friends might get upset about something in the movie, does she pull it from the contest? Or does she leave it in, knowing it has a good chance of winning? Readers’ decisions will teach them a lot about loyalty—to themselves and to their friends. With more than 20 different endings, girls will enjoy this book again and again to see how different decisions change the story. Plus, each book comes with a secret access code to unlock additional endings online! 120 pages.Paperback. Author: Erin Falligant. Ages 8+

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One Response to “It’s American Girl Doll Book Week!”
  1. Susan Stokes says:

    Wonderful Giveaway Still Have My Daughters Original Americam Girl Doll..Would Just Be Thrilled to Win of The American Girl Books for My Niece…I don’t enter too many Book Giveaways But Yours Caught My Attention….Will Those Outrageous “Jungle Reds Be Back”? They have Quite a Group And Added some Wonderful Male Authors..Best Susan VT

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