About The Unexpected Son

July 25, 2010 by admin  
Filed under Featured Author, Featured This Week

Enter to Win one of five copies of The Unexpected Son, by the amazing Shobhan Bantwal!

The Unexpected Son - What happens when a woman who’s realized her dreams wakes up to a shocking truth? A captivating tale of one woman’s return to India: the place where she lost everything–and now has everything to gain…

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Dear Reader, from Shobhan Bantwal

July 25, 2010 by admin  
Filed under Featured Author, Featured This Week

ENTER TO WIN one of 5 copies of The Unexpected Son

Dear Reader:
I came from India to the U.S. as a young bride in an arranged marriage 36 years ago. Although all my adult life has been spent in the U.S., specifically New Jersey, my Indian heritage is a part of me that [...]