Q & A with K.M. Daughters

May 23, 2010 by admin  
Filed under Featured Author, Featured This Week

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Books on the House is excited to welcome sister writing team K.M. Daughters!

Here’s an exclusive interview with the sisters.


Welcome to Books on the House!  This is our first sister team.  I’m curious about how you first decided to write as a team.


Kathie created a book title, Reunion For The First Time, for a contemporary romance she intended to write. Pat loved the title, and on a walk during a visit to Kathie’s home in NJ, we tossed around plot points and fleshed out some characters for Kathie’s project. We attended our first RWA National conference in Reno and during an early morning walk we continued discussing the book. Kathie suggested we write it together and the idea seemed perfect for us (since published by Sapphire Blue Publishing as PAST PRESENT AND FOREVER). We can’t imagine writing solo now.


How does the writing process work for you?  Does one of you write the first draft, is it completely collaborative, do you spend every waking moment together?!


It’s completely collaborative – mostly apart in our respective home offices in New Jersey and Illinois. We’re together for initial conception of the project. That phase of development is 100% verbal – dual brainstorming.  We develop characters and their life histories, create plot elements and action sequences, until we have enough structure to develop a chapter outline. Once that’s done, we divide chapter responsibilities evenly and “go home” to write the book.


Do certain themes tend to surface in all of your books?


Overcoming the grief and the loss associated with the deaths of loved ones, divorce or abandonment, are recurrent themes in our books. In the end, love heals.


What happens when you disagree on a plot point, character development, or some other aspect of a book?!!


You may be surprised to learn that it happens rarely. When it does, we talk it over in person, on the phone, or perhaps correspond via email to resolve the issue. We’re pretty non-territorial and always decide in favor of K.M. Daughters’ voice rather than either Kathie’s or Pat’s.


What’s next for the dynamic duo of KM Daughters (love that name, by the way!)?


Thank you. We love the name, too, especially due to our loving memories of Kay and Mickey, our parents and the “K” and “M” in our author initials. We are thrilled to learn that Book 2 in the Sullivan Boys Series, BEYOND THE CODE OF CONDUCT, is a RomCon 2010 Readers Crown nominee in the short romantic suspense category. The winner will be announced on July 9th. Fingers crossed. We hope to release Book 4 in the Series, ALL’S FAIR IN LOVE AND LAW this year. Our WIP is Book 5, the final installment.

During the month of May we’re supporting Brenda Novak’s Online Auction benefiting Diabetes Research. We’re an auction sponsor and the donor of a Nook E-reader and $100 Barnes and Noble gift certificate.

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2 Responses to “Q & A with K.M. Daughters”
  1. LINDA B says:


  2. librarypat says:

    Great of you to support Brenda’s auction. I discovered it last year and am bidding again this year. Did manage to get one item last year.
    You are new authors for me. I’ll be looking for your books. This one sounds good. Congratulations on your RomCon nomination.
    Your pen name is a lovely tribute to your parents.

    I am a follower.

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