Free Book Giveaway: Murder on Sisters’ Row, by Victoria Thompson

June 8, 2011 by admin  
Filed under Featured Author, Featured This Week

ENTER TO WIN a free copy of Murder on Sisters’ Row!

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It’s no mystery why readers love Victoria Thompson’s Edgar Award- nominated series.
With the help of a charitable lady of means, midwife Sarah Brandt rescues a young woman and her newborn from the brothel where the mother was forced to prostitute herself. But their success comes at a high price when their benefactor is found murdered.

Though the brothel’s madam is immediately considered a suspect, Sarah and Sergeant Frank Malloy investigate, uncovering some unpleasant truths about the victim and her charity-and the woman and child Sarah risked her own life to sa

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14 Responses to “Free Book Giveaway: Murder on Sisters’ Row, by Victoria Thompson”
  1. I entered the contest and subscribed via feedburner. Thanks!

  2. Carol Wong says:

    I am an email subscriber and I think this would be a wonderful book to read. Love mysteries set back in time. Please enter me in this giveaway.

  3. Cherie Michalec says:

    I would love to win a copy of Murder on Sisters’ Row. Thank you for this opportunity.

  4. Leanna Morris says:

    Looks like a great read…would love to win. Please enter me.

  5. Pat Cochran says:

    Love mysteries and this sounds like it will be great!
    Please enter me in the drawing!

    Pat Cochran

  6. Barbara Bibel says:

    I love this series. Sarah is a great character and role model for young women. I have had the pleaseure of reviewing several of the books for Booklist.

  7. Mare says:

    Thanks for the giveaway! I’m an email subscriber!

  8. Aaron Lazar says:

    Looks like a GREAT read. Thanks for featuring this book today!

  9. Sandy Moore says:

    I would love to read this book.

  10. Allison says:

    I would love to read this

  11. Ruby Johnson says:

    This book has all the elements of a good mystery-a heroine bent on doing good, rescuing a prostitute with a child and a secret, and a murder that needs to be solved. Looks like it will be a good read.

  12. Gloria Walshver says:

    I love a good mystery.

  13. JackieW says:

    This book is the kind I love to read..please enter me in the contest.

  14. Joy Isley says:

    Sounds like an ineresting book…I’d enjoy reading this one.

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