Q & A with Robin Wells

June 27, 2010 by admin  
Filed under Featured Author, Featured This Week



Welcome to Robin Wells, Author of Still the One!



It’s great to have you here, Robin!  Would you start by telling us how you caught the writing bug?

Robin:  Thanks for having me here!

I’m one of those people who always wanted to be a writer.  My parents were both librarians, so I grew up surrounded by books and the love of the written word.  Reading was my favorite thing in the world.  All of my life, I told myself, “someday I’ll write a book.”  It was such a closely held dream that I was afraid to put it to the test.  What if I tried and failed?  It seemed safer to just tell myself I’d do it someday.  And then I had my first child.  As I watched that baby grow and change that first year, it was like I was actually seeing time fly. I realized just easily “someday”  could turn into “never.”

I also got to thinking  big thoughts:  what did I want for my child?  Well, I wanted her to follow her dreams.  And it became painfully apparent that I hadn’t done that myself. So I got busy.  I bought books on writing, I took on course on how to write a novel, I read and dissected novels, I joined the local chapter of Romance Writers of America, and I joined a critique group– but most importantly of all, I started writing.  My first novel didn’t sell, but my second one did.


With the underlying theme of war and a lost soldier in Still the One, I imagine this book speaks to so many people. Was it difficult creating a heroine who is a war widow?


It actually gave me a lot of depth of emotion to pull from.  There was a lot of material there; her memories of her husband, her grief,  the feeling that she was still married to him — I imagine it must be hard to turn off that feeling of belonging to someone.


What’s your next project?


I’m developing two different ideas right now,and I haven’t decided which book is going to be next.  One is involves a surrogate mother, and the other is  an “opposites attract” story about a marriage counselor and a divorce attorney.


Awesome to have you here, Robin!  Best of luck.


Before becoming a full-time writer, Robin Wells was an advertising and public relations executive, but she always dreamed of writing novels—a dream inspired by a grandmother who told “hot tales” and parents who were both librarians.

When she sold her first novel, her family celebrated at a Chinese restaurant. Robin’s fortune cookie read “Romance moves you in a new direction”—and it has. Robin has won the RWA Golden Heart Award, two National Readers’ Choice Awards, the Holt Medallion and CRW’s Award of Excellence.

Robin lives just outside New Orleans with her husband, two daughters and an exceedingly spoiled dog named Winnie The Pooh-dle.

She loves to hear from readers, so drop her a note on-line or by writing her at P.O. Box 303, Mandeville, LA 70470-0303.

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One Response to “Q & A with Robin Wells”
  1. Pat Cochran says:

    You are a new-to-me author but I look forward to reading your works!

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