A Letter to Readers from Ros Clarke

December 14, 2011 by admin  
Filed under Featured Author, Featured This Week

To celebrate the release of All I Want for Christmas, Ros is giving away a few copies of The Tycoon’s Convenient Wife!


Dear readers,

Are you looking forward to Christmas? Perhaps you’re feeling overwhelmed by everything that still needs to be done to make it the magical, joyful time that all the magazines and TV programmes and shops tell us it should be. Or perhaps you are one of those people for whom Christmas is the saddest time of year. People who are alone, people who are grieving, people whose families are broken – for them, no amount of turkey and tinsel can make December 25th a happy day.

I wanted to write a Christmas story that encompassed both these aspects. A story with real heartache, but also joy and celebration.

I hope that readers will fall in love with Hugh and Anna, as they fall in love with each other, in All I Want For Christmas. But the character I loved writing most in this story is Irene, Anna’s mother. Irene suffers from early-onset Alzheimer’s disease. Easily bewildered, aware of her own forgetfulness, she adores her daughter and plays her own part in bringing the romance to its conclusion.  There are three people in this story and all of them deserve their happy ending.

Have a very happy Christmas, however you are celebrating!


More about The Tycoon’s Convenient Wife

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4 Responses to “A Letter to Readers from Ros Clarke”
  1. Marjorie says:

    A great storyline, I would love to read this book.

  2. Norma says:

    This is a great premise for something a lot of people are going thru with aging parents. Thank you for going there.

  3. Joy Cook says:

    Sounds like a great read! I would love to read this book.

  4. I loved the story of Hugh, Irene, and Anna! Can’t wait to read more of your books.

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