A Letter to Readers from Jennifer Probst

April 27, 2012 by Editor  
Filed under Featured This Week

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Dear Readers,

I am absolutely thrilled that The Marriage Bargain is finally available and these two special characters will get the audience I always dreamed of. Writers are a funny bunch. Sometimes, we have these wonderful ideas that drive us to our computers – dancing images of characters, plots, and scenery. And when we finally try to write them, they leap just out of reach, taunting us and driving us crazy.

This was not one of those books.

My heroine jumped off the page. Impulsive, loving, loyal, and most of all, fun. My hero gave me heartburn for a while because I didn’t realize how deeply he’d been hurt and what it would take to heal him. But he finally met the woman meant to be his, and watching his journey to a man who could take a chance on love was humbling. Their story flowed, and I couldn’t wait to check back to the page to see what they’d do next.

As a dog lover, I love to rescue strays and volunteer for the shelter. This drives my poor husband nuts, since we already have two dogs, a small house, and two active little boys. Of course, this inspired me to bring a dog as a character into the story, and bump up the stress level for my hero. I must admit it was fun to step back and watch the sparks fly!

This book has tons of humor, which is a bit different from my other stories. There’s still my favorite alpha, brooding hero, and feisty heroine, but there’s more lighthearted fun along the way. Lots of dogs. Toddlers. Family members. Pushy best friends. All messy stuff that struck terror in my Nick’s heart. Wait till you see how he handles it!

I hope you will glimpse a piece of yourself in this story – I certainly did. It takes place in upstate New York, in a little artsy town near the Hudson River and surrounded by the majestic mountains, where the waterfront was created.

Grab a cup of coffee or tea, a soft blanket, and download it on your e-reader. Sit back and let me make you laugh. Cry. But most of all…let me entertain you.

Much love,

Jennifer Probst

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One Response to “A Letter to Readers from Jennifer Probst”
  1. Jackie Wisherd says:

    This book sounds really good. Please enter me to wi it

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