A Letter to Readers from Heather Webber!

June 6, 2012 by Editor  
Filed under Featured This Week

To celebrate the release of Perfectly Matched, Heather Webber is giving away the first in the Lucy Valentine series, Truly, Madly!

ENTER TO WIN of copy of Truly, Madly, the first Lucy Valentine Novel

Dear Readers,

Dear Readers,

I’m nosy. There, I said it.

It’s one of the many reasons I love writing series (instead of standalone books). I have to see what happens next—even to my own characters.

I’ve written three (soon to be four) mystery series. In each, I’ve come to know my main characters like they were my best friends. Quirks, flaws, likes, dislikes. I know the kind of man she wants in her life and the worst pain she’s ever endured. I know what will spur her to investigate a crime and what will make her run for the hills.

Which is why when a series is canceled, it just about breaks my heart. The characters are still there in my head, waiting for their stories to be told…but there is no market for the books.

Thankfully, now there is. With the explosion of e-books, I have been able to bring some of my series back from limbo. I’ve continued writing my  series, and now I’ve recently released the much-anticipated fourth book in my Lucy Valentine series, .

You know those times where you get together with your closest friend and just talk? For hours, with no sense of the time slipping by? That’s what it was like to write this book.

Lucy is the black sheep of a psychic family who uses her limited abilities to reunite long lost loves and help the police solve missing persons cases. In Perfectly Matched, it’s only a few months after the point where the previous novel left off. While Lucy’s on the case of a missing little girl and trying to track down an arsonist, she’s also dealing with a complicated love life and her crazy friends and family.

I think this book shows exactly how glad I was  to be back in Lucy’s world. And I definitely can’t wait to visit there again. I hope the same goes for you.

Wishing you all my best,


Previous Lucy Valentine novels:

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2 Responses to “A Letter to Readers from Heather Webber!”
  1. Carol says:

    That’s so true! I discovered all your books with my nook. So many negative things are said about ebooks but I have tried many new authors and I am reading about ten times more books than I used to and I was already and avid reader. I have enjoyed reading all your series and I’m so happy to hear that there will be more. Lucy Valentine is a fun series, I have been recommending it to all my friends. :)

  2. Susan Stokes says:

    I remember when you were on BN..As a FirstLook..w/Truly,Madly…It was a Great FirstLook at your Books for me…Although A Good friend has read all your Nina Quinn Books…And I just saw Perfectly Matched on my nook..Must dnload..Thanks Heather..

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