About Original Sin

February 22, 2010 by admin  
Filed under Featured Author, Featured This Week

A coven of witches well versed in the black arts unleash the Seven Deadly Sins on earth – as incarnate demons with an agenda. Raised a witch in her mother’s powerful coven, Moira O’Donnell ran away when she learned her mother planned to sacrifice her to be “mediator” between the underworld and all united covens. [...]

Q & A with NY Times Bestseller Allison Brennan

February 22, 2010 by admin  
Filed under Featured Author, Featured This Week

Books on the House is thrilled to welcome New York Times Bestseller Allison Brennan as our featured author this week.  Allison is giving away 3 copies of Original Sin, and 3 copies of her novella What You Can’t See, the prequel to her Seven Deadly Sins series!   Read her Q&A to find out more [...]

This Week’s Book Winners Are…

February 21, 2010 by admin  
Filed under Featured Author, Featured This Week

Winners of Susan McBride’s The Cougar Club: nfmgirl Jennifer Taylor Traci Eisenmann Congratulations!