About Crossing Oceans

June 13, 2010 by admin  
Filed under Featured Author, Featured This Week

ENTER TO WIN a copy of Crossing Oceans!


As a young woman Jenny Lucas made a choice that changed her life forever. That choice brought her great joy, but it also brought estrangement from her family for six long years. Jenny hadn’t planned on returning to her North Carolina home town but her plans were cruelly altered by life.

Jenny and her five-year-old daughter, Isabella reluctantly return home to the ghosts of a past life. Jenny’s not sure what her father’s reaction will be but she knows her grandmother will do everything to smooth out the rough patches.

As Jenny faces her own mortality, she must come to terms with the man she still loves who left her and has married another. David doesn’t know he has a daughter and is reaction is brutal. He is determined to take custody of Isabella from Jenny even if it destroys everyone.

In the midst of impending chaos and crisis, Jenny meets another man who only wants to love and help her no matter the outcome. It’s an offer Jenny feels she must refuse, but with his help, her family’s care and God’s love, she makes a decision that is the best for her.

Rarely does a book grab me and turn my emotions upside down. Crossing Oceans is one that did just that. I smiled, I clenched my teeth and I sobbed out loud. Holmes took my heart and squeezed every bit of emotion from within me and brought it to the surface. My heart ached, my anger raged, my love for the characters grew and at the end I realized how important it is to let go and allow God to work in our lives. He has a plan and it may not be our plan, but it is the best plan for us.

Rejoice daily and live your life as if you’ll never have another day is the lesson I learned from reading Crossing Oceans. It’s a beautiful story of loss and pain and how love can change everything. But be prepared to have your emotions bubble over. Gina Holmes, is an author to watch.

~ Minneapolis Author Examiner

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10 Responses to “About Crossing Oceans”
  1. Linda B says:


  2. LuAnn Morgan says:

    This must be a feeling many people have dealt with at some point in their lives. I even thought at one time if it would be a good idea to take off for parts unknown and start over.

    I’m an email subscriber/follower of BotH.

  3. Patrice Herrera says:

    Wow that sounds like a great read. Must have either which way! Thanks keep writing.

  4. This book sounds uplifting…and I need that right now.

  5. sue brandes says:

    This book sounds like a great read. Love the cover.

  6. Suzy R. says:

    Sounds like a good book, add my name to the draw, thanks.

  7. Melissa says:

    I am an email subscriber.

  8. Pat Cochran says:

    Oh, my goodness! Just reading your review has caused me to place
    the box of tissues close at hand! Please include my name in the
    drawing for this book.

    Pat Cochran

  9. Kelly H says:

    Sounds like a great summer read sure to pull at you heartstrings. Thanks for the giveaway:)

  10. Kelly H says:

    I am an email subscriber to BotH

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