About Still the One

June 27, 2010 by admin  
Filed under Featured Author, Featured This Week

ENTER TO WIN a copy of Still the One!


After Katie Charmaine’s husband is killed in Iraq, all she has left is a closet full of his clothes, a few pictures, and fond memories. She not only lost her love, but her last chance to have the children she’s always wanted. Until Zack Ferguson shows up in town . . . with the daughter Katie gave up for adoption nearly seventeen years ago.

Zack Ferguson has never forgotten Katie, or the one magical night they spent together. Seeing her again brings up a tidal wave of emotions: regret over the way he left her, anger at the secret she kept, and desire he hasn’t felt in years. But he’s in town for Gracie. Their daughter is sixteen, angry at the world, and-worst of all-pregnant. She needs the love of her two parents now more than ever. Can these three forgive the hurts of the past and open their hearts to each other?


Read an Excerpt!

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7 Responses to “About Still the One”
  1. Marjorie says:

    I would absolutely love to win this fantastic book, I really
    like the storyline.

  2. Ruby says:

    This book sounds interesting and will certainly resonate with those who have lost a spouse due to war or other tragedy. But further, finding an old love and discovering their daughter, a teenager, who is now pregnant is a new twist

  3. Linda B says:

    Goodness What A Great Story! Met DH After He Served In Nam And Can’t Imagine Her Pain.

  4. Linda B says:


  5. Colleen Turner says:

    I am a Networked Blogs Follower and email subscriber!

  6. susan leech says:

    This book really sounds good and already touched my heart and I only read the excerpt. I am a sucker for happy endings especially where a child who is torn apart get to see happiness and also there are those adults who must start over again. Being abandoned at birth I truly feel this is why I have a weakness for those who grow up in a different world of not the perfect family. susan L.

  7. Pat Cochran says:

    You got me with that first paragraph above! We’ve had several young men from our area who were recently returned to their families after making the ultimate sacrifice in Afghanistan. They
    were not persons I knew but it still hurts my heart to hear of their families’ loss. Our family
    had four representatives in Iraq at one point, one nephew for a third time. We were blessed in
    that they all returned home safely. I look forward to reading Still The One!

    Pat Cochran

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