An interview with Jordan K. Rose

April 18, 2012 by admin  
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Read on for an exclusive interview with Jordan Rose, author of Perpetual Light:

Have you had any fun fan moments since you became a writer?

I have. I was at a writer’s conference, seated in the second row waiting for the presenter to begin. The room was filling up and another aspiring writer came in and recognized me. She said, “Oh my God. You’re Jordan Rose. You write Eva Prim.” Looking back I can say it was probably one of the biggest thrills for me because my debut novel, Perpetual Light, had not yet been released and I hadn’t even finished Eva’s first book. The woman recognized me from Eva’s blog. At the time it was so shocking to be recognized that I was dumbstruck and could only nod. I’m pretty sure I looked like an idiot, but I was so surprised that anyone knew who I was.

Do you usually begin a book with a character or a plot?

I always begin a book with a character. I don’t think I’ve ever had a plot come to me first. I’m a character driven writer and the characters basically tell me the plot. I love to learn every little detail about them and then figure out what their story is going to be.

How difficult is if for you to come up with a title for your books?

Oh my goodness, the title of my first book just popped right into my head without any problem. The title for the current book I’m working on is a completely different experience. When I even try to consider a title, it’s as though Eva, the main character is standing in front of me, hands on her hips, tapping her foot and shaking her head with an “absolutely not” expression on her face. I’m hoping to come up with something soon, but I’m not holding my breath!

Are you a pantser or a plotter?

I’m a pantser. I typically have an idea of where the story is going and how it might end, but no plan for how to go from Once upon a time to The End. One time I thought I’d try plotting. It was a bad idea because I drafted a very loose plot and then never wrote even a paragraph of the story. After the plot it felt like I was done.

Do you prefer print books or eBooks?

I prefer print books, but I’m a huge fan of eBooks, too. I have a kindle and an IPad and enjoy reading on both. But I love having autographed print books, too.

About Jordan

After trying her hand at many, many things- from crafting and art classes to cooking and sewing classes to running her own handbag business, Jordan finally figured out how to channel her creativity. With an active imagination and a little encouragement from her husband she sat down and began to write, each night clicking away at the keys with her black Labrador, Dino curled up under the desk.

A few short years later she’s entered the publishing arena with no plans to ever turn back.

Jordan’s a member of Rhode Island Romance Writers, as well as RWA National, and the New England (NEC), Connecticut, and Fantasy, Futuristic and Paranormal (FFnP) Chapters.

Her first book, Perpetual Light, is available on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, kobo, and All Romance Ebooks from Crescent Moon Press.

Barnes and Noble Link

kobo link

All Romance eBooks link

Find Jordan on her website at

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