Featured Title: Deadly Secrets, Loving Lies

June 27, 2012 by Editor  
Filed under Featured This Week

ENTER TO WIN a copy of Deadly Secrets, Loving Lies, by Cynthia Cooke!

♥     ♥     ♥

Dear Readers,

I’m obsessed with psychics. I always have been. I’ve always wanted to be one! As a teenager I could sometimes sense when the phone was about to ring before it did and – voila! I must be psychic, right? Wrong! But the idea that I could somehow get a jump on the universe; that I could know what was going to happen before it did, that I could have an instant sixth sense about someone—friend or foe. Wouldn’t that be cool? Who wouldn’t want that?

But sadly, I’m normal. No extraordinary powers for me. I might not have them, but they do seem to find their way into my writing. Some characters just have strong intuition, while others have full-blown “save-the-world” hero-powers! They add that little extra layer of dimension to the characters, that little extra spice. To me, having a psychic ability is like being a superhero without lightening speed and Hulk-like strength.  Though, that would be cool, too!

Never one to let my lack of psychic powers stop me, I’ve sought out a psychic or two over the years. I’ve had my Tarot cards read, my aura read, my palm read, my numbers done all searching for that magic answer—am I doing everything I can with my life? Have I made the best decisions? Am I really supposed to be a super FBI agent?

Sorry to say there were no magic answers in my psychic eight ball.  Which leaves me realizing all I can do now is trust in the universe to help through life’s pitfalls. Trust in myself to recognize when they’re coming and try and get out of the way, and trust in my friends and family that they will always be there to help pick me up and dust me off when I don’t see one coming or I make a bad choice. Isn’t that what getting the most out of life is all about?

My characters aren’t so lucky. They do have psychic abilities, and a whole new set of giant-sized pitfalls to go with them. But luckily for them, they too always have that special someone to help them find their way. After all, if life’s crazy roller coaster ride were too easy without all the exhilarating ups and downs, what fun would it be?

♥     ♥     ♥

About Deadly Secrets, Loving Lies

Family secrets must be kept, and painful wounds must be ignored.

After an all‐out assault by a vicious terrorist bent on destroying her entire family, a former government agent must break the strict rules she has always lived by when she emerges from hiding to reluctantly accept the help of her all‐too‐sexy ex‐lover. Running a deadly race against time, they rush to rescue her kidnapped sister, find her missing father, and bring the notorious villain to justice. But nothing ever goes as planned. Bullets fly, danger abounds, and their passion reignites even faster than the lies are flowing. But their stubbornly held secrets just might spell the end of their rekindled love and hopes for the future…as well as their very lives.

Don’t want to wait?  Buy Deadly Secrets, Loving Lies!

And check out the other Dead Sexy titles HERE!  They’re each just a $2.99 download.  Enjoy!

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2 Responses to “Featured Title: Deadly Secrets, Loving Lies”
  1. Susan Stokes says:

    “Deadly Secrets,Loving Lies”..Would be a Treat to win..Very into The World of “Are we All Psychic”?..Can it be brought out..We all have our Moments..

  2. Cheryl Stanford says:

    Would love to win a copy of Deadly Secrets, Loving Lies….finger crossed :o )

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