About Alternative ABCs

June 13, 2010 by Editor  
Filed under Featured Author, Featured This Week



by Eric Ruffing and Dave Parmley

This alternative ABC board book features original, colorful, and graphic illustrations and typography by Southern California based designers Eric Ruffing and Dave Parmley of 13THFLOOR.

In this humorous and hipster take on a traditional ABC board book for kids, the alphabet here reads: F is for Flames, M is for Mohawk, P is for Peace, and S is for Skull. This is the board book that Soccer Moms run from and Rocker Moms gravitate to.

Aesthetically borrowing from street, surf, skate, and music subcultures, the custom design and typography beautifully spell out this unique alphabet. From Calligraffiti to Pin-Striping, and from Goth to Punk, this little book crosses genres and is sure to create a buzz.

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4 Responses to “About Alternative ABCs”
  1. LuAnn Morgan says:

    As a writer, I love the concept of this book!

  2. LuAnn Morgan says:

    I’m a email subscriber/follower to BotH.

  3. Jennifer Sharp says:

    I’m an email subscriber/follower to BotH and have told everyone about this book. I absolutely love it!

  4. Kelly H says:

    What a great sounding Alpha book, my kids have outgrown learning their ABC’s–but I want this book for the artwork and the unique spin on the ABC’s.

    I am also an email subscriber.

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